! Spanish News Today – Aquarids 2022: When And Where To Get The Best View Of The Upcoming Meteor Shower In Spain
The spectacular aquarid shower will be clearest in Spain at the end of the month
As July comes to a close, the delta aquarids are expected to reach their maximum intensity, making it easier to spot the meteors flowing from the 96P Machholz comet, which orbits the Sun approximately every five years.
According to the National Geographic Institute, our planet will cross the orbital path of the comet this July, causing its particles to enter the Earth’s atmosphere at tremendous speed and giving rise to a shower of shooting stars.
When is the best time to view the aquarids?
The peak of the Aquarid Meteor Shower will occur on the night of July 29 into the early morning of July 30 this year. Fortunately, the meteors will be at their most intense two days after the new moon and so the moonlight won’t obscure them.
The best time to look at the night sky will be after midnight, when the radiant is above the horizon.
Where is the best spot to view the meteors?
Wherever you are, your best chance of witnessing the showers is from a high vantage point, away from city lights where the sky is as dark as possible. Closer to the time, you can check the Starlight Tourist Destinations, which will tell you the best observation spots across Spain.
Image: Archive